How to Teach Your Dog Basic Commands

Teaching your favourite dog primary or general commands is more than just training; This journey strengthens your bond. As you begin your dog training journey, imagine a world where sit, stay, and "come" become a common language reinforcing your bond.


In this guide, we'll cover five essential tips: simplicity, patience, and a little fun to make the training experience enjoyable for you and your puppy. So buckle up and get ready for a fun journey teaching your dog the art of basic commands.

Start With the Basics: Sit, Stay and Come

Consider these commands the basics of dog training. Start with the basics—sit, stay, and come—before moving on to more advanced techniques. These basic commands will provide a solid foundation for your dog's training journey. Start in a quiet place with minimal distractions to help your puppy focus.

To teach him to sit, hold the treat above your dog's head, and when he lifts his nose to follow, gently lower the treat to encourage him to sit. Reward them immediately with praise and rewards. To "stay," ask your dog to sit and step back. Assume they stay put and "reward and praise" them. Repeat the process, gradually increasing the distance.

"Come" is a crucial safety command. Put your dog on the leash, squat down, gently pull the leash toward you, and say, "Come on." When they reach you, celebrate their success with love and a treat. "Consistency is key," so practice these commands in short, fun lessons daily.

Positive Reinforcement: Treats and Affection Can Go a Long Way

Dogs thrive on positive reinforcement, and what better way to motivate them than with love and treats? Choose high-quality treats that your dog loves and reserve them expressly for training. To avoid overfeeding, serving food in small, bite-sized portions is best.

When your furry friend performs a command correctly, reward him immediately. This immediate, positive feedback helps them associate the behaviour with a reward. Combine treats with verbal praise and gentle stroking for an extra boost. Remember, timing is crucial—give the reward within seconds of the desired action to strengthen the connection between behaviour and reward.

Positive reinforcement makes challenging training fun for your four-legged friend and forms the foundation of your relationship. Keep your training sessions motivated, and your dog will be happy and eager to learn.

Consistency is the Key to Success

"Consistency" is the unsung hero of dog training. Dogs thrive on routine and repetition, so add only a little variety to your commands and rewards. Use precise words for each command and ask everyone to follow the same rules; this helps avoid confusion and speed up learning.

Make time for training every day and hold short, focused sessions. Repeating commands in different environments and situations generalizes your dog's learning abilities and makes it easier to follow commands in different situations.

Consistency also extends to your body language. Dogs are intelligent, so use consistent hand signals, body signals, and verbal commands. For example, combine the "sit" command with a hand-raising gesture. This visual cue reinforces the verbal command and aids the dog's understanding.

Patience is a Virtue: Take Your Time and Celebrate Small Successes

"Patience is a virtue," especially regarding dog training. Remember, your dog is learning a new language and will need time to understand the basics like us. If your dog makes a mistake, avoid scolding or punishing him. Instead, stay calm and guide him into correct behaviour.

Celebrate small successes during training. When your dog successfully follows the command, throw a little party! Praise them, treat them, and tell them how awesome they are. This "positive reinforcement" can boost your dog's confidence and motivate him to continue learning.

If your dog seems disinterested or frustrated, take a break. Training should be fun for both of you so it ends positively. Start the next day positively with a new attitude.

Remember, each dog will learn in their time frame. So be patient. Celebrate the journey, and you'll soon see the fruits of your labour.

Practice Using Real Situations

Generalizing commands to real-life situations is crucial for a well-trained dog. Once your puppy has mastered basic commands in a controlled environment, you can train anywhere and anytime. 

Practice the command on a walk, in the park, or in different rooms of your home; this can help your dog associate the command with different scenarios, increasing the likelihood that he will obey in different situations.


For example, practice "heel-to-heel" to encourage walking on a leash. Use "stay" before allowing your dog to cross the street or greet another dog. These real-world applications highlight the importance of following commands and raising a well-behaved puppy.

Watch Out for Distractions: Gradually Increase the Difficulty

Once your dog has mastered general commands, try using minor distractions to get him to obey and focus. Start with a slight distraction, such as a favourite toy or a quiet noise. If your dog is following commands and staying focused, increase the level of distraction; this can help your dog generalize his learning so he can respond even in stimulating situations.


Teaching your dog basic commands is a common thread that conveys understanding, trust, and joy in the warmth of canine companionship. When you celebrate every victory, no matter how small, you develop a well-behaved pet and create a bond based on communication and mutual respect.

Remember: For a well-behaved dog, "the training is as valuable as the goal." With patience, treats, and a little praise, you can give your child commands and create memories of shared victories and tail-wags. May your training sessions be filled with laughter, tail wagging, and the pure joy of watching your furry friend become the obedient companion you've always imagined. Enjoy training!